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Our natural products use organic ingredients that have centuries worth of history of proven benefits. With our ancestors having already tested the ingredients as the first manufacturers, we are confident in the safety of our products.

High concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins make shea butter an ideal natural ingredient for softening skin, maintaining healthy hair and can even be used for cooking since it is edible. Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. 

The guidelines are that pure unrefined shea butter has a shelf life of around 12 months and refined shea butter can have an expiry date up to 2 years or longer. However, shea butter can often last much longer if stored correctly.

Whether on its own, or as an ingredient in your facial moisturizer, shea butter can definitely be used on your face. Shea butter helps lock in hydration, and is full of fatty acids and vitamins that can condition, tone and soothe your skin.

Shea butter cannot regrow hair, as hair regrowth is primarily determined by genetics, age, and overall health. However, the moisturizing and nourishing properties of shea butter can help to improve the overall health and appearance of the hair, reducing breakage and supporting healthy hair growth.

Shea butter is a tree nut fat that promotes skin health. It can’t make stretch marks fade completely, nor can it prevent them. Shea butter can reduce the redness of new stretch marks, strengthen the damaged skin, and provide added UV protection.